I am a certified book lover and made a commitment to myself that I would read/listen to a minimum of two books per month this year. I am being quite strategic about the books that choose. Although I enjoy fiction, my goal is to read books on personal development and entrepreneurship. I am currently listening to my fourth book, so I have some catching up to do. I will review all the books I read this quarter at the end of June.

High Performance Habits by Brendon Buchard

Brendon actually gives the physical copy of this book away if you sign up to his list. If you prefer to listen to audiobooks, he has made series 4 of his podcast the book. I decided to listen to High Performance Habits because I admire Brendan as a trainer, coach, and marketer. He has worked with Oprah and his client base includes people like Usher.  He basically reveals what he has learned from years of researching and coaching high performers across different fields. It is one of those books that requires you to take action as you read it. I will definitely listen to this again because it is packed with so much good information that it is not possible to capture them all the first time you read it. One of the biggest things I took away from the book was a realization about how negative energy, if not managed effectively can permeate the rest of your day. Brendan recommends, consciously taking 2-5 minutes at the end of each activity you do at work, to check in with yourself, and consciously release any negative energy. Then you can set the intention for the next activity that you are going into. This might sound like a small thing, but for me, it was game-changing. I have definitely gone from one activity to another at work and carried over my irritation or annoyance from one situation to the other, but by reminding yourself to release, you can really approach each activity with a renewed perspective. This book is great if you are looking to turbocharge your life and is applicable to any area of your life.

She Means Business by Carrie Green

I have followed Carrie Green for over seven years now. She is the founder of Female Entrepreneur Association, and one of few British women to excel at an international level in the world of online businesses. I joined the members club and was so impressed by the wealth of resources she provides to members. As a result of this, I decided to read her book. At just over five and a half hours, it is a relatively short book packed with positive inspiration. Carrie is a huge advocate of visualization and manifestation.  She speaks about building multiple businesses and taking chances by reaching out to people who could help her business move forward. This is a great book if you are transitioning into entrepreneurship. It is more motivational than it is functional, but a great way to check in on your mindset regarding entrepreneurship.

Secrets of a Millionaire Mindset (mastering the inner game of wealth) by T Harv Eker

T Harv Eker is a Canadian businessman and motivational speaker who focuses on wealth creation. I decided to listen to this book as part of my quest to work on my mindset around different areas of my life. As you listen to the book, T Harv instructs you to say certain affirmations in order to help displace negative money mentality. He does promote his program quite frequently during the book, which takes away from the book a little bit, but if you are looking to improve your money mindset, this book is a very good starting point that you can build upon later.

Click on the links below to purchase your copy of these books if any have piqued your interest. What books are you reading?