I have spoken to so many people who are at a career crossroads and cannot quite decide if it is time to leave their current job, or even industry. Often times by the time people get to the point where they are considering a move, it tends to be a reaction to negative circumstances with their current employer such as colleagues you do not get along with, a negative review, lower than expected bonus or being passed over for a promotion. 

I think that the decision about when to leave your employer should be a strategic one, determined by your personal and career aspirations. Changing jobs or careers then happens as part of your overarching plan, regardless of how well things are going at your current employer.

It becomes about who you are and the type of life you want to lead.

Here are some things to help you consider if it is time to go;

Where do you see yourself career wise and personally in the next 5 years? Is your current position leading you towards your desired direction?

What are your energy levels like when you think about or are at work? Do you have to psych yourself up for work or spend hours decompressing afterwards?

Do you feel that you can bring most parts of who you are to work, and authentically contribute and be appreciated for your contribution?

Are you learning and growing as a person as well as in your areas of expertise?

Do you keep thinking and dreaming of doing something else, but suppress those thoughts because you have bills, and responsibilities and a lifestyle to uphold?

Answering the above questions truthfully will help you arrive at your answer. If you are learning, and you are making contributions that are valued, then perhaps there is still some mileage for you with your current employer. If that is not the case for you, then the question becomes not if you will leave your current company or industry but when. If that sounds overwhelming at present, I recommend that you start with the decision that you will leave. In subsequent blog posts I will write about how to strategically plan your exit in a way that is comfortable and realistic for you.

To get help with your Career Transition, schedule an initial complementary session with me here.