According to The Conference Board, 53% of Americans are currently unhappy at work. The obvious solution to not liking your job would be to change companies or careers, but that is not always an immediate option for everyone. This negative mindset towards work affects how a person shows up each day. This in-turn impacts their results, how they are viewed by colleagues and bosses, and when compounded over months or years could potentially stifle an individual’s career prospects with their employer. So if you find yourself in a situation where you are not enjoying your current job, here are a few things you can do to improve your situation.

Make a mindset shift

The first step to changing your mindset is awareness. Take stock of how you are thinking about your job, colleagues and company and how those thoughts are making you feel. Then make a decision that you will be more positive about things. The easiest way to be more positive about work is to think of alternative constructive interpretations to things that you previously viewed as negative. An example would be instead of regarding your team’s weekly meeting as a waste of time, you could decide to view it as an opportunity to reconnect with your team.

Ask for feedback

Feedback is a gift. It can be painful. I used to hate receiving feedback from my colleagues because I felt judged. But that was the wrong mindset and it slowed down my professional growth for a period. Feedback is particularly important if you are called to lead in any capacity, because it is important that you understand how to get people to buy into your vision so that you can engage them to perform. The feedback you solicit can be formal and anonymous or it can be in a more casual setting for example, after a meeting, you could ask for feedback on your presentation. When you are offered feedback, remember to thank the giver, and be gracious about it.

Seek out the leaders in your company

It is not sufficient to do good work, it is as important that the right people are aware of what you are doing. Speaking to the leaders and executives of your company helps you to better understand what your company’s goals are and gives you increased visibility. It gives you new perspectives and can be quite motivating to hear about how the decision makers determine and drive their agenda. By seeking their opinion, you will find that some of them will take interests in your background and opinions as well, giving you the opportunity to sell yourself.

Volunteer for responsibilities that stretch your remit

Knowing what I know now, I would have started volunteering for more responsibilities earlier. Not only does this allow you to use other skills that you might not get a chance to show off in your everyday role but you will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with other people across your organization, thereby increasing your visibility and ultimately your enjoyment of the job.

Ask for what you want and need

In my previous career, I had so many conversations with people who would come to me frustrated  about one thing or another, only to discover in many cases that they had not asked for what they needed to perform a particular task. Speaking up requires boldness and confidence. It alerts your bosses and colleagues to what you need.

Become more strategic

Not all tasks are impactful. Identify the activities that will have maximum impact  on your results and focus on those. Be clear on your purpose for performing these tasks, your desired end results, what you have to complete the task and what you need. Then do something everyday towards this and constantly monitor your progress.

Improve your attitude

If everyone knows when you are having a bad day or your colleagues find you so unapproachable that they  choose not to come to you with important information, then it is time to improve your attitude. This will allow you to build an internal network and a group of allies who can then be your advocated when you are not in the room.

Develop yourself and your skills

You own your personal and professional development. By investing in yourself, you broaden your skills and opportunities either within your current employer or externally.

What are some additional things you could do to improve your career prospects?