You have been working hard, on project after project. Your wellness activities have taken a backseat, as have time with your family. You are stuck on the work treadmill and don’t know how to get off. Or it might be that you are starting to feel that this is not all there is to work, and to life. You wonder what else is out there for you, if there are alternative ways for you to do work that is fulfilling but which enables you to go to the gym, go to your yoga class and to pick up your children from school. Even though these thoughts are entering your mind with increasing frequency, you are nowhere close to seeking a new job, you have got too much on your plate to worry about moving elsewhere, plus you are on track for a major promotion later on this year, you just need some short term relief to get you through this season. Don’t worry I’ve got you, here are a few things for you to consider;

Undertake a secondment

If you are working for a large organization, this might be an option for you. Admittedly it might be harder to execute the higher up the food chain you are but for mid-senior level management, taking some time out from your core function allows you to be a student again and approach work in a different way

Take a sabbatical

I have taken a few sabbaticals over the course of my career and I am a huge advocate for them. I have travelled during all of my sabbaticals but I know many people, who have used it as an opportunity to write a book, or volunteer or to try out a new career that they were considering or even to work on their side business. The sabbatical helps to reset you, to destress you and to allow you to step away from your busy day to day and really think about what you want for your life moving forward. Many companies have sabbatical policies which are usually tied to tenure but even if there was no official policy for sabbaticals at your employer, you could certainly make the case for one and pitch it to your bosses.

Work internationally

I have been fortunate enough to have worked for a number of organisations in different countries and it is a good way to inject some fun and learning opportunities into the work that you do. If you work within an international firm, you could take advantage of this by seeking out opportunities to work from other offices across the world. If you are not able to transfer to another country via your current employer then you might want to look into careers opportunities that allow you to work internationally as part of your role.

Take a course or training

Undertaking further study or enrolling in a short course provides another opportunity to reinvigorate your career. Not only do you learn new skills, you also meet new people and expand your knowledge base.

Work on your mindset

A great way to reinvigorate your career is to consider your mindset. You have to be honest with yourself when you do this because it is possible for your attitude to be having an impact on how you are experiencing work. There are many blogs, podcasts, books and videos with tips and tricks on how you improve your mindset. My personal favorite is Brendan Buchard. Invest in these for little to no cost, so that you can work on approaching your job with renewed vigor.

For more tips on how to advance your current career or transition into the career or business that you love, sign up for my newsletter here and join my facebook group, “The Career Lounge” here.